

12 Dec 2019

JuSt Art – Exposition Hans Hartung…

Exposition Hans

15 Oct 2020

Future of work: is your business…

Future of work : is you business ready?

17 Nov 2020

Webinar | Technology and People at…

HR & tech

10 Dec 2020

Webinar: How data & AI can…

11 Dec 2020

Universités d’entreprises : de l’adaptation à…

Universités d'entreprise coronavirus

JuSt Art – Exposition Hans Hartung – Session complète

Après un an de travaux, Julhiet Sterwen célèbre la réouverture du Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris en vous invitant à l’exposition retraçant la carrière d’Hans Hartung. Il est l’un des grands représentants de l’art abstrait au XXe siècle.

Ami intime de Soulages, il place l’expérimentation au cœur de son œuvre. Il utilise de nombreux supports et techniques parfois surprenants comme un balai ou une sulfateuse à vigne – pour créer ses œuvres.

Attention : nombre de places limité.

Merci de nous préciser si vous venez accompagné.


Découvrir le JuSt Art.

12 Dec 2019


Future of work: is your business ready?

Julhiet Sterwen co-founded an international network uniting  consulting firms: The Transformation League. We are proud to introduce the new event hosted by our network, around the Future of work.

This webinar will be in English. No translation available.

As art of supporting our clients and our business communities given the impact of COVID-19, the Transformation League (TTL) is convening an international webinar to explore new ways of working and the challenges and opportunities the global pandemic has presented for many businesses.

We would like to invite you to participate as one of our valued clients. We will be exploring the changes we are seeing in the workplace, likely future trends, employee expectations and new ways of working.

We will have a panel of special guests joining us to share their perspectives:

• Dotun Adako, Group Head, Human Resources at BUA Group.
• Merrilyn Strohfeldt, CEO, Darling Downs and West Moreton Private Health Network.
• Philippe Bonnet, Global Vice President, Human Resources, HRBP Finance & Head Learning & Development for ESSILOR.


The webinar will be hosted on Zoom. You will receive the connexion link once you registration is processed.

3 partner members of TTL are jointly hosting this webinar: Peoplesource Consulting, TMS Consulting and Julhiet Sterwen.


15 Oct 2020


Webinar | Technology and People at work, Reshaping HR


From GPS to virtual reality games, from Netflix to Alexa, new technologies continue to shape our daily lives. The same is true at work. This webinar will explore how new technologies, especially Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, have been impacting HR.

What can you expect?

Technology and People at Work: Reshaping HR will be presented by Livia Bahier Michel, HR Advisory & Digital Transformation Practices Manager at Julhiet Sterwen, a consulting firm specialized in transformation & innovation, and Benoit Montet, Global Human Resources and Innovation Expert at Top Employers Institute. They will be joined by guest speakers from leading organisations.

Hosted on 17 November at 4PM CEST, this webinar provided HR leaders with insight into the latest technology trends in HR. They will explore questions such as:

  • What is the status of digital transformation in HR?
  • What innovations in HR tech have been implemented in 2020? What are the results?
  • How can Artificial Intelligence and Big data help both HR and the employee experience?
  • How can these new technologies be used to support sustainability and promote agility?

This webinar is based on the third white paper by the same title, “Technology and People at Work, Reshaping HR”, co-authored by Top Employers Institute and Julhiet Sterwen and originally published in French. The global networks of the Top Employers Institute and Julhiet Sterwen’s Transformation League, have been mobilised to explore and present the most remarkable innovations.

Note that this webinar will be held in English.



Find our more about HR Transformation by Julhiet Sterwen.

17 Nov 2020

Webinar: How data & AI can foster business monitoring & transformation in a moving environment?

Julhiet Sterwen is pleased to invite you to the new event hosted by The Transformation League.

Share our ideas and concrete examples on the following thematics:

  • Business strategy & transformation: How to pivot business & strategy? How to enhance agility & resilience in the organization?
  • Client & business monitoring: How to monitor changes and evolutions in your environment? How to use data to answer new clients needs?
  • Implementation / Innovation: How to accelerate implementation of data strategy and AI? How to accelerate innovation through collaboration between corporate & startup?

To register, click here.

Find out more about Julhiet Sterwen’s activities worldwide.

10 Dec 2020

Universités d’entreprises : de l’adaptation à la crise à un nouveau modèle de valeur


Avec toute l’incertitude liée à l’évolution de la crise sanitaire, et en prenant appui sur des solutions trouvées dans l’urgence du premier confinement, Universités d’Entreprises et Directions de la Formation rentrent dans une phase d’expérimentation et d’exploration. L’objectif ? Être capable d’adapter en permanence leur offre aux évolutions des contextes et des besoins de leurs bénéficiaires.

Ces démarches invitent, de manière plus globale, les acteurs à repenser leur stratégie et leur offre de valeur vis-à-vis de leurs parties-prenantes, pour que la contrainte devienne une opportunité de conforter, voire de renforcer la place de la fonction learning au cœur du développement des organisations.
Quelles leçons tirer de la crise pour le learning ?
• Pourquoi et comment certaines organisations ont-elles réussi à franchir le cap du distanciel ? En quoi la crise a-t-elle remis en question (ou pas) les modes de diffusion actuels du Learning en entreprise ?
• Quelles innovations ont émergé ?
• Les Directions de la Formation vont-elles en profiter pour aller encore plus loin vers d’autres modèles ? Quelles évolutions possibles du rôle et de la valeur ajoutée des Directions Formation et Universités d’entreprises ?

Merci à nos grands témoins:
– Sophie CRETAL, Directrice de l’Ecole du Management, Orano
– Elisabeth METIVIER, Développement Managérial, Malakoff Humanis
– Clemens HEILMANN, Manager, Julhiet Sterwen

Les échanges seront animés par :
– Julien LEVER, Directeur Général Adjoint, Julhiet Sterwen
– Vincent RICHEUX, Directeur, Leadership & Management, Julhiet Sterwen


En savoir plus sur la formation par Julhiet Sterwen.

En savoir plus sur le leadership et le management par Julhiet Sterwen.

11 Dec 2020