
Transforming the IT Function

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IT: a new role and a new vision

In the past, IT was regarded as a kind of commodity – a practical tool to be used by employees in different departments rather than a key driver of value designed to support business strategy.

Fortunately, this model is long gone. At a time of digital transformation, IT is central to every department. Most organizations are now aware that it is an extremely powerful source of value creation. The old vision of IT as a supplier of services and tools must now definitively give way to the vision of IT as a strategic partner of senior leaders across the organization. This implies numerous changes: cultural, business, organizational, technological and more.


Cultural transformation: the key to success

This new IT positioning goes hand in hand with a change in approach: to successfully support business transformation, chief information officers must promote a change in mindset and behaviors among their teams.

  • How ensure that these changes are successful?
  • How can IT departments manage these changes successfully?
  • Which skills and approaches should they adopt?
  • Which soft skills must they develop to drive, support and maintain a long-term cultural transformation?

Between operational efficiency and a future focus

In essence, IT directors represent a strategic function with all the inherent risks and opportunities. More and more complex questions are being raised:

  • Which IT governance should companies choose? How can they improve process efficiency?
  • With digital solutions, the cloud, agile, DevOps, new technologies and cyber security issues, how can they manage and secure major change while continuing to perform effectively?
  • How can the IT function prepare employees for evolving job requirements? How can they dynamically manage skills, including soft skills?
  • How should costs be managed when demand goes through the roof?
  • Which IT architectures can best manage the divergent challenges of legacy solutions and time to market?
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At the heart of technological issues

A new paradox has emerged: IT directors must manage technical debt while integrating the latest technologies.

  • How to anticipate and start future-proofing IT in a context that is uncertain on every level (business, social, technological, etc.)?
  • How to transition toward more energy efficiency and agility?
  • How to get the best out of data and AI?
  • How to build optimal relations with chief digital officers, chief marketing officers and chief transformation officers?
  • How to help build a client focus and improve the employee experience?
  • How to scale up and implement POCs and prototypes, integrate incubated start-ups, ensure a successful journey to the cloud and fully harness the expected benefits of innovation?