We live in a service society. In fact, in 2020, INSEE indicated that the service sector represented 87.8% of jobs held by women and 65.1% of jobs held by men. For Julhiet Sterwen, this omnipresence comes from the fact that we all consume services in our professional and personal lives. But we do not all consume the same services. On the contrary, services take on many forms. And they are being powerfully impacted by the major changes currently underway in digital technology and society. Competition is growing and companies need to reorganize and become more client focused as a result. They also need to go down the road of proximity and personalization.

Services: the agility revolution
By nature, service depends on customers. More than ever, it is vital for organizations to be client centric. Every employee must be aware they are working for the end customer. They must also want to satisfy them. To this end, companies must transform their organizations and cultures.
- How to transform an organization to become client focused?
- How to engage employees?

More visible and relevant, data opens up vast new horizons in terms of customer contacts and personalization. It is at the heart of the current challenges of personalization from the client acquisition stage. But to be effective, data raises many questions.
- How to have data that can be exploited? And how to exploit it?
- How to make be visible to the right targets?
- How to offer the right service to the right client at the right time?

With digital technology, ideas are increasingly easy to transform into plans and then realities. New players and applications are emerging fast. We are witnessing an extraordinary proliferation. Everything is becoming possible.
In this new context, the role of incumbents has been weakened. The most obvious example is taxis, who have been challenged by Uber, but this trend is a hot topic in many fields.
- How to react to the risk of uberization in a specific sector?
- How to change perspectives and think in terms of usage rather than product ownership?
- How to detect a need and think differently?
- How to innovate and create new markets?
Julhiet Sterwen helps you answer all these questions.