
Sustainable development

Businesses are paying increasing attention to sustainable development and communicating widely on this topic, but the gap between their ambitions and the reality is enormous. Although the 2015 Paris Agreement committed signatories to a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, the current trajectory is a 15% increase. In fact, since 2015, financiers have invested €3,100 billion in fossil energies, the construction of coal-fired power stations is booming and governments are subsidizing fossil fuels more than ever before.

How can we align actions with targets? Where is there the most potential for change?

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Accepting the need to challenge the status quo

For Julhiet Sterwen, sustainable development is the only way companies and public organizations can and must develop today. And no targets will be reached without a radical overhaul of development models and drastic cultural change. It is not enough to communicate, take superficial action and fulfil legal reporting requirements. Companies must fundamentally transform their business models, the way they design, manufacture and deliver products and services, and their supply chains. This calls for proactive, often costly, action that sometimes breaks with the familiar models.


Tackling sustainable development challenges head on with advanced expertise

Time is of the essence. We must take fast and effective action, which implies pooling our innovation and experience. That is why we are bringing together leaders to develop sustainable, constructive and inclusive models. We are mobilizing ecosystems to find shared solutions and advance mindsets and regulation in every area.

The possibilities are endless for improving our environmental footprint, starting with decarbonizing products and services at every step of the life cycle, from sourcing and industrial processes to distribution. We are also supporting the energy transition, resource savings and the circular economy. We create, identify and industrialize innovations to drive new business models.


Building on our unique Business & People model and tailored approaches

As a purpose-driven company, Julhiet Sterwen has always been engaged in these issues. True to the company’s “Consulting for Good” slogan, our exemplary performance is acknowledged by EcoVadis, which has ranked Julhiet Sterwen among the top 1% of companies for CSR performance.