
Sustainable development

Anticipating the future: the essence of our consulting business

Julhiet Sterwen made a formal commitment to sustainable development more than a decade ago.

We were convinced of our corporate responsibility.

We were also convinced of our ability to take action at different levels.

We started by joining the United Nations Global Compact.

We then decided to audit our action and approach through an independent body, Ecovadis.

And we decided to share our CSR approach in annually published reports.

Download our environmental report

Download our report on people and jobs at Julhiet Sterwen

Read on to discover some highlights of initiatives directly involving our employees

“Bees on the roof”: tangible action for sustainable development

In 2018, we set up beehives on the roof of our offices in Neuilly-sur-Seine.

Coordinated by one of our employees, this initiative was originally intended to protect the ecosystem.

Employees are regularly invited to discover the hives and the importance of bees for environmental protection.
And sharing of our honey harvest is always a cause for celebration!

Julhiet Sterwen: a committed sponsor of Réseau Etincelle

Julhiet Sterwen has been an active member of Réseau Etincelle since 2017.

This network has awarded us its “Mécène Engagé” (committed corporate sponsor) label.

What is Réseau Etincelle?

This charity promotes helps unqualified school leavers to find jobs. By changing the way they view companies, Réseau Etincelle enables young people to channel new energy into their career aspirations.

In practical terms, every year, a class of young people is trained on our premises for about two weeks by two trainers approved by Réseau Etincelle.

And Julhiet Sterwen consultants lead vocational workshops on topics such as teamwork, online reputation and CV writing.

And beyond…

Consultants have the opportunity to mentor a young person, providing ongoing support for at least a year.