


Committed to our employees, our clients and all our stakeholders

We put people at the heart of everything we do, to ensure that every transformation brings sustainable results to all our stakeholders. Our sense of duty as an economically, socially and environmentally responsible company makes us engaged entrepreneurs. We are committed to our employees, providing the right framework for individuals to cultivate their diverse talents and for teams to pass on their knowledge. We are committed to sharing our research and innovation with clients and partners. And we are committed to helping the most fragile members of society and protecting the environment. We are proud to say that our CSR policy was audited by Ecovadis and awarded a gold recognition level, meaning that our company is among the top 5% performers audited by Ecovadis.


Organized to promote progress

At Julhiet Sterwen, an objective as multifaceted as corporate social responsibility calls for group teamwork. With this in mind, our internal CSR initiatives are led by a committee of volunteer consultants, who bring meaning to our commitments and ensure consistency. The Chairman of Julhiet Sterwen is an active member of this team, which is responsible for an annual Communication on Progress (COP) to the UN Global Compact. Julhiet Sterwen has been a signatory of this voluntary initiative for more than a decade now.


Standing together with society

As a group, we have decided to offer skills and financial support to two associations. The first is Réseau Etincelle, which helps young school leavers with little or no qualifications to enter working life. By changing their view of the corporate world, Réseau Etincelle boosts these young people’s professional goals. Several dozen of our employees are involved in this initiative.

To discover Réseau Etincelle, click here.

We also support Children of the Mekong and its commitment to helping children access education.


Raising environmental awareness and promoting action

We raise our employees’ awareness of environmental issues and encourage them to act in every area where our business impacts the environment: by reducing energy/paper consumption, limiting business travel, and so on.